segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2008

Flaring Shock Pink Point in the Middle of White

What is a little flaring shock pink point in the middle of white?
It is Me on the snow!!
I had to leave New York State and go to Pennsylvania for here in Big Apple we do not have even a signal of snow. Pay attention that I have already been in negative 5 Celsius degrees to go walking to school, it was offensive to face such a cold and do not have snow, it is not fare!

O que e' um pontinho rosa fosforo cegante no meio do branco?
Sou eu na neve!!
Eu tive que sair do estado de Nova York para ir a Pensilvania pois aqui em Big Aple, nem sinal de neve. E olha que eu ja' peguei menos cinco graus negativos caminhando pro colegio, e a injuria era enfrentar o frio e nao ter neve, nao e' justo!

It is amazing how it wasn't all that cold that I thought it would be for snowing weather. Maybe because I was so happy about seen snow for the first time (and I am 21 years old) for the excitement I didn't notice the cold!

Era incrivel como nao estava todo aquele frio que eu imaginava que estaria para um clima nevoso. Talvez por que eu estava tao feliz em ver neve pela primeira vez (e olha que ja tenho 21 anos) a excitacao foi tao grande que eu nao notei o frio.
The picture from the fireplace is really funny, because the moment we arrived at home, wich was closed for weeks, it was even colder than outside. It is a joke, isn't? That was me tryng to get warmer near by the fire, drink really hot tea with two heavy coats, and shaking for the cold. Pretty much all the houses here are made by wood, which is isolating material, so when the fireplace or heater is on, the heat stays inside the house, becoming much more confortable. For the opposite reason, most houses in Brazil are made by ciment and brick.

A foto da lareira esta' engracadissima, no momento que chegamos na casa (fechada havia semanas) estava mais frio do que fora. Hilario, ne'? Isso era eu tentando me aquecer perto do fogo, bebendo cha muito quente e com dois casacos pesados... e ainda tilitando de frio. Todas as casas aqui sao feitas de madeira, o que e' isolante, entao quando a lareira ou aquecedor esta aceso, o calor permanece dentro da casa, o que se torna muito mais confortavel. Pelo motivo oposto, a maioria das casas no Brasil sao feitas de cimento e tijolo.

Oh Boy, can you imagine a huge frozen lake? I couldn't until I just got surprised when I saw it. I was hysteric when I WALKED ON THE LAKE! Of course, because I am Brazilian, as my cousin Bebeto also is, we decided to do a Broadway Musical "Sambaing on the Ice"! I can see the stars already! It is a really difficult presentation because it is truly slippery.

Mininu, voce pode imaginar um enorme lago congelado? Eu nao conseguia ate surpreender-me ao ve-lo. E histerica, ANDEI SOBRE O LAGO! Claro, como brasileira que sou, assim como meu primo Bebeto, decidimos fazer um musical da Broadway chamado "Sambando no Gelo"! Ja posso ver estrelas! Realmente e' uma apresentacao bem dificil, por que eh muito escorregadio.

Here we are, me and my cousins Bebeto (the one nearest the fireplace) and Nando (the younger one). We were really tired, and trying to get dry because we spent a couple of hours playing snow ball fight, what was amazing! I got so happy this day. I wished so much my family being here with me to enjoy all this together.

Aqui estamos, eu e meus primos Bebeto (aquele mais proximo da lereira) e Nando (o mais novo). Estavamos exaustos, e tentando nos secar depois de passarmos umas boas horas guerreando com bola de neve, o que foi incrivel! Eu fiquei muito feliz nesse dia. Como eu gostaria que minha familia estivesse aqui pra curtirmos esse momento juntos.

Oh yeah, all this was my Thanksgiving Holiday. I had a typical North American one, with turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing and apple pie. For sure, I enjoyed everything.

Ah sim, esse foi meu feriado de Acao de Gracas. Tive um tipico jantar norte americano, com peru, molhe de cramberry, recheio, e torta de maca. Com certeza, eu curti Tudo.

Bejitos my Friends

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