segunda-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2008

Flaring Shock Pink Point in the Middle of White

What is a little flaring shock pink point in the middle of white?
It is Me on the snow!!
I had to leave New York State and go to Pennsylvania for here in Big Apple we do not have even a signal of snow. Pay attention that I have already been in negative 5 Celsius degrees to go walking to school, it was offensive to face such a cold and do not have snow, it is not fare!

O que e' um pontinho rosa fosforo cegante no meio do branco?
Sou eu na neve!!
Eu tive que sair do estado de Nova York para ir a Pensilvania pois aqui em Big Aple, nem sinal de neve. E olha que eu ja' peguei menos cinco graus negativos caminhando pro colegio, e a injuria era enfrentar o frio e nao ter neve, nao e' justo!

It is amazing how it wasn't all that cold that I thought it would be for snowing weather. Maybe because I was so happy about seen snow for the first time (and I am 21 years old) for the excitement I didn't notice the cold!

Era incrivel como nao estava todo aquele frio que eu imaginava que estaria para um clima nevoso. Talvez por que eu estava tao feliz em ver neve pela primeira vez (e olha que ja tenho 21 anos) a excitacao foi tao grande que eu nao notei o frio.
The picture from the fireplace is really funny, because the moment we arrived at home, wich was closed for weeks, it was even colder than outside. It is a joke, isn't? That was me tryng to get warmer near by the fire, drink really hot tea with two heavy coats, and shaking for the cold. Pretty much all the houses here are made by wood, which is isolating material, so when the fireplace or heater is on, the heat stays inside the house, becoming much more confortable. For the opposite reason, most houses in Brazil are made by ciment and brick.

A foto da lareira esta' engracadissima, no momento que chegamos na casa (fechada havia semanas) estava mais frio do que fora. Hilario, ne'? Isso era eu tentando me aquecer perto do fogo, bebendo cha muito quente e com dois casacos pesados... e ainda tilitando de frio. Todas as casas aqui sao feitas de madeira, o que e' isolante, entao quando a lareira ou aquecedor esta aceso, o calor permanece dentro da casa, o que se torna muito mais confortavel. Pelo motivo oposto, a maioria das casas no Brasil sao feitas de cimento e tijolo.

Oh Boy, can you imagine a huge frozen lake? I couldn't until I just got surprised when I saw it. I was hysteric when I WALKED ON THE LAKE! Of course, because I am Brazilian, as my cousin Bebeto also is, we decided to do a Broadway Musical "Sambaing on the Ice"! I can see the stars already! It is a really difficult presentation because it is truly slippery.

Mininu, voce pode imaginar um enorme lago congelado? Eu nao conseguia ate surpreender-me ao ve-lo. E histerica, ANDEI SOBRE O LAGO! Claro, como brasileira que sou, assim como meu primo Bebeto, decidimos fazer um musical da Broadway chamado "Sambando no Gelo"! Ja posso ver estrelas! Realmente e' uma apresentacao bem dificil, por que eh muito escorregadio.

Here we are, me and my cousins Bebeto (the one nearest the fireplace) and Nando (the younger one). We were really tired, and trying to get dry because we spent a couple of hours playing snow ball fight, what was amazing! I got so happy this day. I wished so much my family being here with me to enjoy all this together.

Aqui estamos, eu e meus primos Bebeto (aquele mais proximo da lereira) e Nando (o mais novo). Estavamos exaustos, e tentando nos secar depois de passarmos umas boas horas guerreando com bola de neve, o que foi incrivel! Eu fiquei muito feliz nesse dia. Como eu gostaria que minha familia estivesse aqui pra curtirmos esse momento juntos.

Oh yeah, all this was my Thanksgiving Holiday. I had a typical North American one, with turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing and apple pie. For sure, I enjoyed everything.

Ah sim, esse foi meu feriado de Acao de Gracas. Tive um tipico jantar norte americano, com peru, molhe de cramberry, recheio, e torta de maca. Com certeza, eu curti Tudo.

Bejitos my Friends

sexta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2008

Pictures with 2 months difference

Hello, My friends! Sorry for do not post more often, but it is complicated. I only have more three weeks here, and a lot of homework and books for finish reading, but I do not have time! This three months past so quickly!
Ola, Meus Amigos!
Desculpa por nao ter postado mais frequentemente, mas e' por que e' complicado. Eu tenho apenas mais tres semanas aqui, e muita tarefa do curso, e livros para terminar de ler, mas eu nao tenho tempo!
Esses tres meses passaram tao rapidamente!

These pictures I took with the intention to show how are the climate changes. The seasons are so obvious, not like in my Brazilian North East, where we do not have fall and winter.

Essas fotos eu tirei com a intencao de mostrar como sao as mudancas do clima. as estacoes sao tao obvias, nao como no meu Nordeste Brasileiro, onde nos nao temos outono e inverno.

These are photos that were taken practically at the same place, but with two months of difference.

Essas fotos foram tiradas praticamente no mesmo lugar mas com dois meses de diferenca.

Now the weather is getting really cold. This week I had to go to school at -5 Celsius Degrees. It was not pleasant. Also, I had never used so many clothes at the same time, not counting underwear: 1)pantyhose; 2) regular stocks; 3) jeans pants; 4) long sleeve cotton t-shirt; 5) wool sweater; 6) Flee coat; 7) thick water prof coat; 8) scarf; 9) bonnet; 10) gloves. I guess it was only that. Oh, I still was felling cold.

Agora o clima esta ficando realmente frio. Esta semana eu tive de ir pro colegio a cinco graus negativos. Isso nao foi agradavel. E mais, eu nunca tinha usado tanta roupa ao mesmo tempo, sem contar com roupa intima: 1) meia-calca; 2)meias normais; 3) calca jeans; 4) camiseta de manga comprida de algodao; 5) sueter de la; 6) casaco de flanela; 7) casaco grosso a prova d'agua; 8) cachecol; 9) gorro; 10) luvas.
Acho que foi so isso. Oh, eu ainda estava sentindo frio.

A thousand kisses to you!
Mil beijos pra voces!

terça-feira, 11 de novembro de 2008

Germs Theory of Disease

Pensando em colocar um pouco de conhecimento nesse blog, decidi publicar aqui um dos meus trabalhos para a classe de Writing. Este e' sobre sobre a teoria de doencas causadas por germes, escolhi esse tema quando nossa professora Kirby nos pediu para escrever sobre uma invencao.

Thinking in put some knowledge in this blog, I decided to publish here one of my Writing Class works. This one is about the Germs Theory of Disease, theme that I chose when our teacher Kirby asked us to write about an invention.

Modestia a parte, achei miha conclusao bastante poetica. Muito boa. Beijos pra todos.

Without modesty, I though my conclusion is pretty poetic. Very good. Kisses to everybody.

Teoria das Doencas Bacterianas

Antes da Teoria das Doencas Bacterianas, nao era de conhecimento geal o quao mortais bacterias poderiam ser. Era comum ver um doutor atender varios pacientes de doencas diferentes sem trocar luvas e vestimenta. Assim como nenhum instrumento medico como agulhas, serras, ou termometros nao eram muito bem desinfetados antes de serem usados em outros pacientes. Estes sao exemplos de habitos mudados pela Teoria de Doencas Bacterianas. Muitos estudiosos estavam envolvidos no desenvolvimento dessa teoria. Antigamente, Geracao Espontanea era considerada valida, significando que as pessoas acreditavam que vida poderia surgir de materias nao-vivos, e microorganismos nao eram conhecidos. Equivalentemente, ninguem imaginava que vida microscopica (bacteria) poderia transmitir doencas. Entao, Ignaz Semmelweis analisou em 1847 que mais mulheres morriam em dar a luz no hospital do que em casa. O motivo era que doutores de um hospital lidam com todo tipo de doencas num mesmo dia, com as mesmas roupas. Sem assepsia, medicos contaminavam as gravidas com as mais diversas doencas. Joseph Lister, entorno de 1860, foi aquele que fez com medicos passassem a usar esterilization em seus trabalhos, desta forma pode prevenir contaminacao de acontecer, mergulhando instumentos medicos em agua fervente. E’ gracas a Louis Pasteur (entorno de 1862) que o habito de beber agua e leite antes de ferver caiu em desuso. Contemporaneamente, seu legado por ser visto no processo de pasteurizacao, vacinacao e outras contribuicoes. Em conclucao, todas as mudancas de habitos causada pela Teoria de Doencas Bacterianas savaram muitas vidas. Prevenir doencas e’ o melhor tratamento, e conhecimento e’ o melhor remedio.

The Germ Theory of Disease

Before the Germ Theory of Disease, people did not know how deathful bacteria could be. It was common to see a doctor attending patients from different diseases without wearing new gloves or clean clothes. Likewise, any medical instruments as needles, saws, or thermometers were not very well disinfected before been used to other patient. These are examples of changing habits because of Germ Theory of Disease. Many studious were involved in the development of this theory. Formerly, Spontaneously Generation was validity as right, meaning that people believed that life could birth from none-living materials, and microorganisms were not known. Similarly, nobody imagined that small life (bacteria) could transmit diseases. Therefore, Ignaz Semmelweis analyzed in 1847 that more women died giving birth in hospitals than at home. The reason was that doctors in a hospital deal with all kind of diseases at the same day, in the same clothes. Without antiseptic doctors contaminated the pregnant woman. Joseph Lister, around 1860, was the one who made doctors start using sterilization in their work, this way could prevent sepsis from happening by submerging medical tools in boiling water. It is thanks to Louis Pasteur (around 1862) that the habit of drink water and milk before boiling began to be in disuse. Contemporary, his legacy is seen in the pasteurization process, vaccination, and other contributions. In summary, all modification of habit caused by the Germ Theory of Disease saved a lot of lives. Preventing a disease is the better treatment, and knowledge is the better medicine.

quinta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2008

Aquarela do Brasil

Brasil, meu Brasil Brasileiro
Meu mulato inzoneiro
Vou cantar-te nos meus versos
Ô Brasil, samba que dá
Bamboleio, que faz gingar
Ô Brasil do meu amor
Terra de Nosso Senhor
Brasil, Brasil, prá mim, prá mim...

Ô abre a cortina do passado
Tira a mãe preta do cerrado

Bota o rei congo no congado

Deixa cantar de novo o trovador
A merencória a luz da lua
Toda canção do meu amor...
Quero ver essa Dona caminhando
Pelos salões arrastando
O seu vestido rendado
Brasil!... Brasil! Prá mim ... Prá mim!
Brasil, terra boa e gostosa
Da moreninha sestrosa
De olhar indiferente
Ô Brasil, verde que dá
Para o mundo admirá
Ô Brasil, do meu amor
Terra de Nosso Senhor
Brasil,...Brasil! prá mim!... prá mim
Esse coqueiro que dá coco
Oi onde eu amarro a minha rede
Nas noites claras de luar, Brasil... Brasil,
Ô oi estas fontes murmurantes
Oi onde eu mato a minha sede
E onde a lua vem brincar
Ôi, esse Brasil lindo e trigueiro
É o meu Brasil Brasileiro
Terra de samba e pandeiro,
Brasil!... Brasil!

Brazil, my Brazilian Brazil

My mulatto artful

I will sing you in my verses

Oh Brazil, gives samba

Swinging, that makes me scull

Oh Brazil of my love

Our Lord’s land

Brazil, Brazil, to me, to me...

Oh open the curtains of

Take the black mother out from cerrado

Put the Congo king at the congada

Let the troubadour sing again

The melancholic moon light

All my love song...

I want to see this lady walking

Throw the ballroom dragging

Hers lacework dress

Brazil!... Brazil! To me... To me!

Brazil, good and pleasant land

From tanned capricious young lady

With indifferent look

Oh Brazil, gives green

To the world’s admiration

Oh Brazil, of my love

Our Lord’s land.

Brazil, ... Brazil! To me! ... To me!

This palm which gives coconut

Where I fast my hammock

At the clear moon nights, Brazil... Brazil,

Oh these murmuring fountain

Oh where I kill my thirsty

And where the moon comes to play

Oi, this beautiful and swarthy Brazil

It is my Brazilian Brazil

Samba and tambourine land,

Brazil!... Brazil!

Brazil,My Brazilian Brazil
My cunning mulatto
I will sing of you in my verses
Oh, Brazil, samba that gives swing,
That makes people sway
Oh, Brazil of my love
Land of Our Lord
For me... for me...

Ah, open the curtain of the past
Bring the Black Mother1 down from the mountains
Place the Congo King2 in the congado3
Brazil! Brazil!
Let the minstrel sing again
In the melancholy moonlight
Every song of his love
I want to see the Bahian woman4
Trailing through the salons5
Her lacy skirts6

Brazil! Brazil!
For me... for me...

Good and savory land
Of the cunning dark-skinned woman
With an indiscreet gaze
Oh, Brazil, green that makes
The world amazed
Oh, Brazil of my love
Land of Our Lord

For me... for me...

Oh, this palm tree that gives coconuts
Where I hang my hammock
On clear moonlit nights
Oh, hear these murmuring fountains
Where I slake my thirst
And where the moonlight comes to play
Oh, this Brazil, beautiful and swarthy
Is my Brazilian Brazil
Land of samba and pandeiro

For me... for me...

Ah, Aquarela do Brasil.

Bela cancao escrita por Zry Barroso em 1939, e' uma das mais famosas cancoes de samba-exaltacao, uma ramificacao de nossa musica. Eu fiz essa traducao acima, mas nao encontrei ninguem que a corrigisse pra mim.

Ah, Aquarela do Brasil.
Beautiful song written by Ary Barroso in 1939, it is one of the most famous songs of the samba-exaltação (Exaltation Samba), one kind of Brazilian music. I did this translation above, but I couldn't find nobody to correct to me.

Pesquisando na internet, eu tive a informacao de que a cancao "Brazil" cantada por Frank Sinatra era "Aquarela do Brasil". Entao, tive a ideia de procurar pela letra de "Brazil" para comparar com minhas tosca traducao de "Aquarela". E o que eu encontrei? Outra letra totalmente diferente da que eu estava procurando. Informacao para memorizar: Brazil” (S.K. “Bob” Russell) e “Aquarela do Brasil” (Ary Barroso) sao duas cancoes totalmente diferentes.

Researching in the internet, I had the information that the song “Brazil” sung by Frank Sinatra was “Aquarela do Brasil”. So, I had the idea of looking for the lyric of Frank’s Sinatra version to compare with my rough translation. And what did I find? Another lyric totally different from the one I was looking for. One information to memorize: “Brazil” (S.K. “Bob” Russell) and “Aquarela do Brasil” (Ary Barroso) are completely different songs.

Mais tarde eu encontrei a traducao de "Aquarela" feita por Daniela Thompson. Na qual ela faz algumas notas de rodape' como:

After, I found the oficial translation made by Daniela Thompson, which she does a few notes:


  1. Black Mother: main figure in the Ilê Aiyê fest
  2. Congo King: a slave crowned in a traditional fest
  3. Congado: feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
  4. Bahian woman: metaphor for Black Brazil
  5. Salons: metaphor for White Brazil
  6. Lacy skirts: traditional costume of Bahian women

Interresante, ne?

Wikipedia information: (Portugues)

This is the video which is the first apparition of the Brazilian Disney character Jose Carioca, with the music retracted here. Very beautiful, worth to see it.

Espero que gostem. Beijocas

I hope you enjoy it. Kisses

domingo, 2 de novembro de 2008


Estamos nos corredores do Baruch, e praticamente, apenas no's estavamos fantasiadas. Meus amigos asiaticos que me perdoem (alguem pode estar lendo isso alem dos brasileiros lindos do meu coracao), mas eles sao tao timidos que nao se libertam pra fazer esse tipo de brincadeira. Eles nos olhavam com uns olhinhos de "eu quero fazer parte disso", mas a timidez nao deixava. Pense num povo travado.

Here we are at Baruch hall, and practically only us were in costumes. My Asian Friends, please forgive me (maybe somebody else besides my beautiful Brazilian Friends is reading this) but you are so shy, that you can not feel free to do this kind kidding. You need to get rid off this, enjoy everything, do not worry about others opinion.

Esta' e' minha colega de classe, Rumy, ela estava linda de Nativa Americana, e foi a unica pessoa da sala alem de mim que corajosamente vestiu fantasia.

This is my classmate, Rumy, and she was so beautiful as Native American, she was the only one besides me that was brave enought to wear a costume.

Oh, esta e' Mary (Republica Dominicana), como eu disse, tivemos no Coffee Hour um Concurso de Fantasias, e ela foi a vencedora do primeiro lugar! Reparem que perfeita e' a fantasia dela, ela e' a Chapeuzinho Vermelho que matou o Lobo Mal!! A roupa esta' esmigalhada por que ela saiu de dentro do lobo (lembram que ela foi comida pelo lobo?), e cortou-lhe a cabeca. Perfeito, nao e'? Quer algo mais Halloween do que isso?

Oh, this is Mary, from Dominican Republic, and like I said, we had the Coffee Hour with a Costumes Competition, and she was the winner from the First Place! Look how perfect is her costume, she is the Red Hood that killed the Wolf!! Hers clothes are torn to shreds because she came out from the Wolf (Dou you remember she was eaten by the Wolf?), and cut his head!! Perfect, isn't it? Do you want something more Halloween then this?

Bombeirinho lindo e fofo!
Graceful Cute Little Fireman!

Da esquerda pra direita, Mary e Dalisa (ambas da Republica Dominicana), Marta (Espanha), e Danizinha (BRASIL).

From the left to the right, Mary and Dalisa (both from Dominican Republic), Marta (Spain) and little me (BRAZIL).

sábado, 1 de novembro de 2008


O Halloween foi incrivel!!
Surreal ver as pessoas andando na rua fantasiadas, muito mais do que no Carnaval no Brasil. Halloween aqui e' como o carnaval de Salvador, mas sem Trio e Blocos e com muito mais fantasias. Ah, as pessoas aqui tambem nao se agarram nas ruas como na nossa terra nessa epoca do ano.

Halloween was incredible!!
Surreal see people walking on the streets all in costumes, much more than at Brazilian Carnival. Halloween here is like Carnival at Salvador, but with out Trio (HUGE trucks with giant sound boxes) and Blocos (groups of Trios with people around) and with much more costumes. Ah, folks here do not kiss and "work out" on the street as in our land on this time of the year.

Amei passar o dia fantasiada, as pessoas olhavam pra mim e achavam lindo, elogiavam e davam muito sorrisos. Na rua, sempre nos pediam para tirar fotos.

I loved to pass the day in a costume, people looked at me and thought it was beautiful, eulogized and smiled at me. On the street, somebody always asked us to take picture.

Comecamos pelo comeco. Pela manha, fiz minha mochila gigantesca para passar o dia fora de casa, o plano era eu ir pro Baruch com as roupas normais (estava muito frio - 7 graus celsius - para ir direto com a fantasia) e pela tarde deixar a mochila na casa de minha amiga Mary, da Republica Dominicana. Ao chegar no colegio, corri para o banheiro para me trocar. No inicio, eu era a unica pessoa da sala que estava fantasiada, apesar de ter passado a semana inteira tentando convencer seus colegas de sala ao fazer o mesmo.

Lets start from the beginning. In the morning, I made my big bag for passing the day out of home, the plan was I go to Baruch with my normal clothes (it was too cold - 7 Celsius Degrees - for me to go already wearing the costume)and at the afternoon, let my bag at my friend's house, Mary, from Dominican Republic. Arraving at the school, I ran to the bathroom to change clothes. At the beginning, I was the only one who was in a costume, even I had spent all the week trying to convince my classmates to do the same.

Era muito legal, chamava muita atencao. Felizmente uma amiga de classe, Rummi, vestiu-se de india norte americana, a pobrezinha teria passado tanto frio se tivesse se fantasiado de india brasileira. Sim, foi lindo, assistir aula fantasiada, andar na rua fantasiada, comprar almoco fantasiada.

Tivemos depois da aula um Coffee Hour, que geralmente acontece nas tercas para inteiração dos alunos de ESL (English as Second Language), mas especialmente essa semana aconteceu na sexta para termos uma microfesta de Halloween com direito a concurso de fantasias.

Really cool, it called to much attention. Happily, one of my classmates, Rummy, got dressed as a North America Indian, the poor girl would be so cold if she had dressed as Brazilian Indian. Yeah, it was great, watch class, walk on the street, buy lunch, all that in costumes.

After classes, we had a special Coffee Hour, which usually happens at Tuesday to ESL students gear each other. However, specially this week it happened on Friday so we could have a small Halloween party with Costumes Competition.

terça-feira, 28 de outubro de 2008

Fall Colors

Ola meus coracoes!
Como voces estao?
Aqui esta' comecando a ficar frio... hoje foi o dia mais frio que ja' passei! Estava CINCO GRAUS CELSIUS!! Sinceramente, minha vontade de ver neve diminuiu bastante hoje... eu temo como sera' abaixo de zero grau!

Hello My hearts!
How are you?
Here started to get cold... today was the cooldest day I ever had passed! It was FIVE CELSIUS DEGREES!! Honestly, my wish of seeing snow decreased a lot today... I am afraid for zero degrees and under!

Essas fotos infelizmente nao foram tiradas por mim, mas pela minha Tia Lorena, que viajou para o interior do estado de NY, e pela estrada fotografou a paisagem. Aqui dentro da cidade de New York voce nao ve essa diversidade de folhagem, as arvores aqui estao ficando peladas, sem essa explosao de cores, tao linda.

These pictures, unfortunately, wasn't took by me, but by my aunt Lorena, who traveled to countryside of the NY estate, and by the road photographed the view. Here, inside of the New York City, you can not see that diversity of leaves, the trees are getting "naked", without this big color explosion, so beautiful.

Essa semana e' o Halloween, e alunos e professores podem ir fantasiados para o colegio!! Diga ai, fiquei muito feliz, eh claro que irei fantasiada! E estou tentando convencer a maioria dos meus colegas de classe para fazer o mesmo. Um dos meus professores me disse a cidade fica insana no Halloween, todo mundo em todo lugar anda fantasiado. No trabalho, na rua, no metro. Sairei tirando foto pela rua, de todas as fantasias originais que eu encontrar. Eu rezo que na sexta feira nao esteja tao frio como hoje, por que se estiver, sera complicado pra ver o Desfile de Halloween na rua. Dizem que e' imenso, parece nosso carnaval.

This week is Halloween, and students and teachers can go to school in our costumes! I got so happy, of course I will wear mine! And I am trying to convince most of my classemates to do the same. One of my teachers told me that the city gets insane on Halloween, that everybody everywhere goes under costumes. At work, at street, at subway. I will be taking pictures of each original fantasy I find. I pray that on Friday don't be as cold as today, because if it is, will be complicated to see the Halloween Parade on the street. People had told me that is huge, looks like our carnival.

Por hoje e' so' pessoal,
Beijos pra todos e boa semana.

Today is all, folks,
Kisses for everyone and good week.